Finally, time to put separators. Almost all articles in the Internet says that separators are going to be the most painful one, worse than braces. So, I took the liberty of taking a pain killer while waiting for my turn to see my ortho. The process was as expected painless. However, I didn't expect to have my top row teeth to be glued to metal brackets, without the wire being attached. The wire is supposed to be attached by my next appointment. For some reason I will only have my lower teeth to be braced in 2 to 3 mths. If I'm not mistaken the doctor said that it's because the metal in lower teeth can hit metals in the top teeth. Not quite sure since I didn't put attention at all. Anyway, so here I am with 6 spacers in between my molars and metal braces on my top row. Aww, I can't wait till next week to put the wire on and to remove the spacers. At the end I want to get colorful ligature compares to metal one like now.
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