Today is the day. I woke up in the morning had tons of courage like a warrior ready to go to a war. The difference is that I went to a dentist and gave the letter from my orthodontist to the dentist at Camden Medical Center. Dr. David Ng, that's his name. When he looked at me the first question he asked was "Why do you want to put braces? Your teeth look fine." I was like "No, not now doc when I have managed to gather enough courage to come here to extract my teeth." So, he looked at my teeth and said "Well, a bit overcrowded here. ok, fair enough. But do you really want to extract 4 at one go?" And I said "yes".
And the teeth extraction began. Firstly, I got anesthesia injection at four places, the first round was okay, the second round was hurt a little because the injection was put on the ceiling of the mouth. Secondly, the pliers came to pull out the teeth. At this point the only thing I could do was trying to relax myself. So, I was imagining myself drinking a glass of wine on a beach. Somehow it worked and soon I was distracted by my own thought rather than listening to the cracking of my teeth. The whole process lasted about 20 minutes. I would say it was painless at that point. However, 10 minutes after extraction when the numbing effect gone I started to feel pain everywhere. I wished I have accepted my friend's offer to pick me up from the dentist or at least brought my teddy bear with me, I really wanted to hug on something. On top of that I couldn't say a word to anyone, I was hoping that I brought writing pad to communicate with the dentist, his assistants, and the security guard.
The journey went back home felt like ages and I couldn't even close my mouth due to having sterilized pad in my mouth to stop the bleeding. It's still dripping a bit though. Unfortunately, the pain killer can only be taken 1 hour after teeth extraction since I was not supposed to drink or rinse within one hour to wait until the blood clot was relatively stable.
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